Monday 28 November 2016

Beyond cool

The accountant does it again

Sunday 20 November 2016

Assignment #2: Data Update 3

In my last Data Update, I used Datawrapper to show how mobile phone use in Botswana has far outpaced Canada's in the last ten years.This will constitute the central point of my final report.

As you see, Botswana overtook Canada in 2007, then continued to grow at a fast rate. I will explain the reasons in my final report.

One question that I cannot answer with my data is:
How does mobile cellular subscription compare to fixed-telephone subscription for Botswana and Canada?

The type of dataset to help me answer this question will show the number of fixed-telephone subscribers (per 100 people) in Botswana and Canada. I will be getting the data from the International Telecommunication Union(ITU) (see fixed-telephone subscriptions).

Monday 14 November 2016

First Tableau chart !

The accountant creates his first tableau chart