Monday 31 October 2016

Assignment #3: Data update 2

Opening “lead" sentence: Botswana mobile penetration rate is twice Canada’s

A link to my excel book can be found here. Please note that it contains the following:

  • Raw Data: Original data-Mobile cellular subscriptions (per 100 people) downloaded from The World Bank.
  •  Slice 2: Contains my data that backs up my conclusion and lead sentence. This slice contains data for mobile use in Sub-Saharan Africa and North America. 
  • (For information purposes only) Slice 1: Data with two new columns -Region and Income group derived using VLOOKUP function. 

Since my objective was to filter to countries in Sub-Saharan Africa and North America only, I used the Metadata as my reference table to find the corresponding region using the country code.

 The data source can be found here, and by clicking on the download tab. My initial data source did not provide mobile cellular phone subscription per 100 people. As per feedback from my instructor, the new data set is better for my Data Visualization project.

I found a news story that provided an explanation to why Botswana has one of the highest mobile penetration rates in Africa. The article discusses the findings of a study titled "Botswana - Telecoms, Mobile and Broadband - Market Insights and Statistics" which credits the growth to regulatory reforms that has turned Botswana's telecom market into one of the most liberalized in the region.


  1. This is a really fascinating topic! It'll be interesting to see the outcome and what kind of visualization you can create.

  2. Really unique topic and good job finding a relevant news article to back up your findings in the data. Your lead is very clear, and your update is concise and to the point. I look forward to seeing your visualization!

  3. As i commented before, i think your topic is very interesting. and i look your excel book, which i think you have "clean" unneccessary data and choose the most related data to support your idea. Also, you have an summarized opening so that i could understand your idea easily. Good job!

  4. Great perspective topic! You lead sentence is clear, attention grabbing, and it honestly made we want to keep reading. Great work on explaining your slices and making the information easy to connect to your update.

  5. Great usage of the data, I feel like it really connects with your hypothesis. The comparisons made also paint a clear picture of how usage of mobile phone services can influence many factors of economic growth. I am curious to see how you will be displaying the data on a visualization.

  6. Hello Charles, Your subject peaked my curiosity. Does your lead sentence elude to anything more about your subject? I read the article you included and it stated that Botswana was credited with the growth due "to effective regulatory reforms." Does Canada have effective regulatory reforms? Why or why not? Could Canada review Botswana's and take their lead on this subject? Your Excel slices are easy to follow.
